November 4, 2021
This week at BHS, the theatre department will be producing the musical Guys and Dolls. The musical will take place Nov. 4 to Nov. 6, and a lot of preparations are going on this week so that everything can be ready to go for opening night.
The stages are already set for both the actors, the dancers and the instrumentalists. Practice already happens about three times a week there are already posters everywhere.
The two-and-a-half-hour show is filled with relatable characters, and it portrays the complexities of life.
“The Guys and Dolls are a musical fable that is a romantic comedy. We meet a bunch of gamblers in 1940’s 1950’s New York City who are trying to run a crap game, but gambling is illegal, so the police is after them. They are trying to get the game going while also having some sort of romantic comedy happen around them. Also, we meet a missionary (Sarah) who is trying to convert sinners (gamblers included), but she falls in love with one of the gamblers. one of the gamblers has been engaged to his show girl for 14 years and she’s desperate to get married,” head of theatre production Mrs. Meyers said.
“I am one of the gamblers, and I am having a really great time working with my fellow gamblers on the show,” said Adam Isenhour.
Sabrina Hutchison also gave her comment on what it feels like to be a part of the production. “It’s been a fun way to get away from school.”
If you have visited the auditorium recently, the colorfulness of the stage is something that you will notice. There is this city feel to the backdrop and the various items on the stage to display the different elements of New York.
“We have the lighting and sound planned and programmed. The technical spectacle aspect is what would blow people’s mind out,” Mrs. Myers said.
Anna Kay, the assistant scenic designer, also said, “It’s been so much fun working as a technician and the energy is so high. It’s been a lot of fun with both the actors and the technicians coming together.”
Another aspect of this musical that you should look forward to is the live instrumentals.
“It’s been so amazing and challenging at the same time. My eyes have been opened to another aspect of orchestra,” violinist Favour Oluwajobi said.
Mrs. Myers hopes that the audience walks away with two and a half hours of pure fun and escapism where they can have laugh and clap and cheer and not have a care in the world.
If you want to watch the show, tickets are available online for $15, and you can purchase them at
“I think this is going to be one of our best, and I want people to come watch it,” Mrs. Myers said.