The Vibrance of the Year

Caleb Peschke, Editor-in-chief

Throughout the years, people’s birthstones have changed into either finer material or a look more appealing to the eyes. Not everyone likes their birthstones, but at the end of the day, it was chosen to represent that month. The thought of wearing your birth month stone is that it would bring good health and luck.

There are several variations of birthstones. There are the 15th-20th century birthstones, a list created by the U.S. in 1920, one made by Britain in 2013 and one that the US added onto back in 2019.

Everyone is different both by how they are raised, but also by the way they think in their own unique way. Today, uniqueness is characterized by color and expression of such colors. Life is vibrant and interesting only if individuals express their thoughts and ideas to the public.

The global hue of the year begins off with January’s red garnet, with blue being a rare form of the garnet stone. February is represented by purple. March is represented by blue, green, red and brown. As April is represented by a diamond, it is colorless but reflects the colors and the sun around it. May is represented by green. June is vibrantly represented by all colors as we enter the summer months. July has a hue of red. August is represented by all shades of the rainbow besides orange. September is represented by all colors besides red and orange which is quite ironic as it begins the fall season. October, November and December are represented by the vibrance of the rainbow.

The beauty of reality is that these magnificent colors are viewed differently by everyone, but do not have any influence on any of us in the way that we act. They just represent the vibrance of the world and how everyone is different in their own unique way.

The Paw Print staff birthstones are represented by the following infographic.