According to the Oxford Dictionary art is “The expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”
It’s a way to show passion, emotions and purpose. With a sweet sound running through one’s ears to visually see what could be on someone’s mind. Art isn’t just painting or drawing. It can also include music, writing, instruments and creating beats for songs. Senior Peter Adebiyi is one of the many artists here at BHS. His journey of artistic abilities started at a young age.
“I started playing the piano when I was six, but before that, I used to sing because my mom was always in the choir, so I used to sing with her at church,” Adebiyi said.
Adebiyi can be called more than a pianist and a singer, but also a painter and trumpet player. He began drawing in middle school.
“I started getting serious [in] eighth grade because I found out my uncle has a comic book company, and I wanted to be like him,” Adebiyi said. “He’s the one that gave me my first sketchbook.”
Drawing, singing and the many other forms of art are his passion, and it is more than just a hobby. It’s part of his identity and who he is.
“I will pour my heart, and I pour my heart into my arts and music,” Adebiyi said.
The forms of music he listens to is one of his major influences on what he writes about. Adebiyi doesn’t do art just for fun, rather each piece is made from an experience and how he felt about it.
“This one piece that I put those feelings onto a page of was a dude with his mind blown,” Adebiyi said. “Frustration, anger just on a page, letting it all out to feel like satisfaction at the end.”
As senior year is ending, his love for art will never change, even if he isn’t in band after high school.
“It’s not like I want to go famous; I just want to impact people through my story,” Adebiyi said. “Art is like an explosion.”