There are many ways students get to school every day such as driving, getting a ride to school or walking. Another of these ways is getting on the bus. With the chilly weather and freezing bus interiors the past couple of months, it changed students’ perspectives and how they feel every day about the ways they get to school.
Due to the cold and snow, many bus riders feel an extra burden to having to get on the bus every day.
“It’s kind of hard because the bus stops sometimes when it’s snowing. It gets really full of snow, and it’s really hard to get to and it’s really cold,” sophomore bus rider Victoria Cruz said, who has not always been used to the cold Indiana weather.
When students are sitting and waiting for the bus, they must bear freezing temperatures from going on and off the bus.
“The window gets really cold,” Cruz said, “and since I sit on the window side, [it] gets really cold on my shoulder sometimes, and the bus stop is horrible, because one day, my bus will come early, the next it’ll come late.”
The weather often fluctuates, leaving different temperatures every other day. It can be confusing for bus riders, as they do not always know how to prepare and what to wear outside that day. A lot of students might plan out their outfits the day prior, not knowing what the weather will be and how much it might change.
“It is 51 degrees in February. Two days ago, it was below freezing,” junior Nolan Miller said. “So, let’s like, figure it out,” All students agree that the weather isn’t easy, but everyone has different experiences. Bus riders have their own perspective on how they feel in the chilly winter weather.