Prom Reflection Senior Interview
May 26, 2022
As team 2022’s high school career is ending, a memorable event occurred. That event was their first and only prom at the Indiana Roof Ballroom. We wanted to follow up with some of the students and get their input on how they felt about the event.
A well-known senior and prom court finalist Jeremiah Clayton had a few things to mention about the prom theme.
“I voted for The Great Gatsby theme, but the summer garden theme made me feel neutral. I wouldn’t say I liked it, but I did not love it. I still got to dress up in flashy clothes and enjoy my time with those there. The fancy clothes were nice,” Clayton said.
Stayja Washington had a different experience with the theme on the flip side of things.
“I did vote for the midsummer garden. I just liked how it looked when I thought about it, and when I got there, it looked good. I liked the décor, but I wouldn’t say I liked the music choice. In the years to come, both the Main Building and Senior Academy should vote on what songs are played,” Washington said.
As mentioned in “Prom Com,” food was a huge interest when learning more about Prom.
“The desserts were alright, but I did not get to the food when it was out. I cannot say that I liked it or hated it as I did not have it,” Clayton said.
Prom’s timeline was 7:30 to 10:30 PM on May 7, with the doors opening at 7. Now how exactly did the attendees feel about this?
“I liked how they started earlier as it made it flow better. I thought Prom would be different than it was because of the music,” Washington said.
“I did not win prom king, and it almost messed up my night. John Colquitt won, and life is what you make it. I thought I would win as I was invested in it, but I live another day to fight another fight. I believe that the songs could have been better, but the playlist submission was not broadcasted as much as we thought,” Clayton said.
While it may have been the only Prom they had, the memories will last forever.