With the school year changing, we welcome a new wave of students and staff; however, not everyone is informed about what roles people play in BHS. Ms. Stacey Lingelbaugh is one of said staff members, playing the role of Associate Principal.
She described the role as one where she “collaborates most closely with the principal and is responsible for the overall administration of the building, including establishing and maintaining an effective learning environment and acting as the building leader if he [Dr.Balitewicz] is out.”
Her experience as the Associate Principal has been “amazing” despite the year just starting, and she is satisfied with the role. However, it’s not the first part she has played in BCSC.
Lingelbaugh has “taught math at East Middle School, [at] West Middle School was the Secondary Department Head for Mathematics for Secondary Schools for a year and then served as Assistant Principal for three teams prior to this position.”

Lingelbaugh expressed that the switch from middle school math teacher to Associate Principal at the high school was challenging but having others to “motivate [her] to step into the next role” helped exponentially. Lingelbaugh was ecstatic to move on the newer things, so when given the opportunity of Associate Principal, she knew she had to take it.
Lingelbaugh’s message to the current and upcoming students is that “They’re the best. Our students are people of character, and I dare anyone anywhere to say they have a better student population than ours at BHS. Everyone wants to have a great day, and our days are all better when students make good decisions.”