Imagine you’re driving in the car; you have a rear-view mirror to your side and you’re looking ahead as you drive. Life is kind of like that. The rear-view mirror is the past, what’s happening in the car is the present and what’s in that huge windshield is the future.
This is a philosophy Dr. Tom Balitewicz shared he holds; it’s an ideology that he’s followed throughout his life.
Dr. Balitewicz is the Interim Principal here at BHS for the 2024-25 school year. He is responsible for everything that happens in the school, ensuring that as a high school, BHS is held to the highest standards.
Balitewicz went to Indiana State University where he received his bachelor’s, master’s and PhD in education. He was in the Vigo County schools corporation for about 30 years before he decided to seek new opportunities.
“I loved the people that I interviewed with, the superintendent and the administrative team,” Balitewicz said in response to his first impression of BHS.
He is not a novice in anything in the education system. During his time in VCSC he has had experience in almost every different position pertaining to school.
“I think I did every job that somebody can do in every facet,” he said, “whether it was the finances of a school or the operations of a school, or student discipline, dealing and working with staff, curriculum, I touched all those things,” Balitewicz commented.
Many BHS students have been seeing Balitewicz, and they only know him as the new principal, but Balitewicz has shared insight on who he is as a person to help students further get to know him.
“I think I’m approachable. I hope I am accessible to students,” he said. “I strive to be authentic.”
Dr. Megan Kirk is someone who has worked closely with Balitewicz for years. She is the Project AWARE and Behavioral Health & Wellness Coordinator for Vigo County School Corporation.
“Dr. B is one of the most genuine people I know, with a deep sense of integrity, compassion, and humility. He doesn’t just talk about values like equity, fairness and inclusivity—he lives them every day in everything he does,” Kirk said.
She continues by explaining what he brings to the table.
“He truly cares about the success and well-being of every student and staff member. He’s the kind of leader who listens, values everyone’s input and always strives to do what’s right,” Kirk said.

Pertaining to what BHS students should expect from his leadership skills and morals, Balitewicz shares that as a leader, getting the opinion of others and being able to make decisions that people will feel included is always the goal.
Dr. Stacy Mason the assistant principal of Woodrow Wilson Middle School discussed who Balitewicz is as a leader, saying, “He is an excellent leader and problem solver. He is the true definition of a great leader.” She follows this saying, “He takes time to listen and understand issues, concerns or challenges.”
Mason and Balitewicz were both high school principals at the same time in the same community, and for the last seven years, they’ve worked very closely at the central office in Vigo County School Corporation.
Balitewicz has made many impacts in others’ lives, but there have been many people who’ve influenced him also.
“Life’s kind of like a tapestry a little bit, and everybody is weaving their own thread into your life,” he said. “There are lots of people that have influenced me over time. ll those experiences shape who you are, but you need to have some guiding principles in life.”
Balitewicz furthers this with the morals he’s learned from his parents.
“My parents were hard workers; my values are hard work and trying to be honest with people and being accountable. If you make a mistake, apologize and try to make it better,” Balitewicz said.
During these early stages of his start to his role, Balitewicz shared the first order of operation is to get to know the staff and the students.
“I like to build relationships with people. I find that to be the most important part of this job,” Balitewicz said.
Balitewicz has made so many connections already, he states how he’s someone who follows what he believes in but isn’t unwilling to be corrected. His goal in life is to focus on the present, hope for the future and be undistracted by the past.
“We spend so much time looking in the rearview mirror sometimes that we’re not paying attention to the giant future ahead of us,” Balitewicz said.