Sophomore Addyson Martin has been running track since she was eight and is returning for another season. Martin started off running the mile and later changed to running shorter distances because she realized it wasn’t appealing to her. She ran the 100, 200 and 400-meter dashes, her main event being the 400-meter dash.
Martin made the Varsity team her freshman year of high school and continues on Varsity this year as well. Martin started running track because she thought it would be a good socializing opportunity and to try new things. She met groups of people who contributed to her career as a track and field athlete.
“I meet some of my closest friends here,” Martin said. “Practices are entertaining once you have people who you can laugh with. If I didn’t have the friends, track would be less enjoyable because being a part of a team that goes through the same challenging workouts and obstacles that I do makes it much easier and fun because we all know how to keep each other sane.”
Martin is very committed to her sport and has goals to improve. She shows up to all practices with a positive attitude and tries her hardest.
“Practices are the most important part of track,” Martin said. “The practices are when you build your muscle, speed, endurance and confidence. I like to think of practices as actual meets, and I try my hardest because I believe if I perform well there, I will also perform just as good if not better at actual competitions.”
Martin also practices outside of her scheduled days. She takes a weightlifting class at school which helps her get stronger. She has that class every day and switches from working on her arms, legs and core strength. In track and field, weightlifting is crucial for athletes because it helps endurance, speed, strength and explosiveness. Martin and her dad also practice at the gym on Saturdays. She goes to her local YMCA and practices on their indoor track.
She is a member of the varsity team and runs in their biggest meets that the school provides. She is currently preparing to run the indoor meet season among some of the other fastest people on the team.
“Joining track was a good decision for me,” Martin said. “Not only am I someone who improves in this sport, the team is a really strong team. Everyone always cheers for each other and encourages the best out of one another. It has also improved me personally. It gave me a lot of confidence, patience, faith and gave me something to work hard in and be passionate about.”