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The Paw Print

The Student News Site of Brownsburg High School

The Paw Print

The Paw Print

Luis Navas Semeco

Luis Navas Semeco, Design Editor

I’m a junior, and this is my second year in The Paw Print. I’ve had the most fun making articles where I share my opinions on topics! Like my Kung Fu Panda article that required me to watch over 24 hours of content! 

 I am into editing, designing and drawing stupid things. I also really like rhythm games and other silly doodads. I hope to show how professional we can look when making the most of our editing tools, while also improving any designs and art I make for this class. A fun fact about me is I’ve been doing music for three years on a digital audio workstation called FL Studio!! (very legally acquired) yea yea. 

All content by Luis Navas Semeco
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