On this planet we call Earth, there are 195 recognized countries and many religions and cultures. Sophomore Makayla Riffel, who goes by Kayla, is Slavic, with a variety of traditions in her culture. Some of these traditions define who she is as a person. People that are Slavic are mainly from Slovakia, like Riffel’s ancestors, but there are multiple countries where Slavic people have immigrated in Europe according to Johnstown Area Heritage Association.
Riffel believes in Wicca which is a pagan religion, also known as Slavic Neopaganism. The Triple Goddess is especially important to her. The Triple Goddess are the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone. The three symbolize nature and the stages of the moon. According to Riffel, The Mother is caring and loving, The Maiden represents the youth and ignorance of children, the Crone is the wisdom that some older people have or have through their experience of life.
One tradition that Riffel loves is called moon bathing. “Moon bathing is when during different moons, you lay outside in a bathing suit, as many or as little clothes you would like to wear. Kind of like sunbathing, but during the night all year round,” Riffel said. It helps her connect with nature and her aura.
Imbolc is one of the holidays she loves most. She celebrates Imbolc on the second of February. This holiday is also known as Saint Brigid’s Day. “St. Brigid’s Day is to celebrate the spring equinox, which is celebrating winter turning into spring,” Riffel said.

Like most religions or cultures, there are different foods or drinks associated with Slavic culture. Garlic bread is eaten and lavender tea is drank a lot during Imbolc. Garlic can symbolize the coming of spring and the spring equinox.
Riffel also enjoys eating garlic bread and the lavender tea helps her anxiety. Lavender tea is tea from a lavender flower. Riffel really enjoys all teas. Her top three types of tea are chamomile tea made from a chamomile flower, chai tea which is a black tea and other types of green tea.
“Dancing is something I love to do. It helps me with my anxiety, and it cleanses me in the inside,” Riffel said.
Riffel has other hobbies in her life as well. Crystals mean a lot to her. She has collections of crystals. “Crystals are a way to heal oneself and help in every day life and each have a different property to help,” Riffel said.
Riffel loves nature, crystals and dancing, and being Slavic is important to her and makes her the person she is today.